Agricultural real estate in Eastern Europe.

Purchase of agriculture in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Contact us if you are interested in investing in one of the properties we have shown on this website. We are pleased to provide you with additional information, individual advice and non-compulsory presentations.

If you do not find exactly what you are looking for here on the site; then we would like to hear from you, as we have a number of properties along the way, which have not yet been posted online.

If you are interested in purchasing a specific property or if you are interested in a property offered through another broker, bank or credit institution, we offer to make professional contact on your behalf. We assist with due diligence and negotiation, based on our knowledge of prices and market conditions. Throughout the whole course we are available with our expertise and years of experience in real estate trades.

If you are looking for a specific property type that is not offered for sale, we offer to screen and search the market for you, present potential purchase objects and discreetly contact the owner of one or more properties that you as an investor may be interested in. Often it is easier for us as a professional party to conduct this discreet inquiry without initially identifying who the investor is. We offer assistance in the further course of investigating the property and with advice and negotiation.

Please find a list of farms for sale in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia here  
