Forest as an investment object

Buying and selling real estate in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Regardless whether you intend to buy or sell real estate in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia then we can help you.

We have done business in Eastern Europe since 1998 and mediated agricultural farms in Poland and the Baltics since 2003. We have built up a wide range of contacts and have local partners who also have extensive specialist knowledge of real estate trading and companies that own real estate. Our geographical coverage and close local cooperation make us able to find buyers and sellers of forests throughout the Baltic Sea region.

We handle transactions professionally, get to know each case thoroughly and work dedicatedly. We have knowledge about current legislation, local practice, financing options and everything else that will ensure you a good transaction.

We always have contact with a large selection of interesting investment objects in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Be it forests, plant production, cattle farms, pig farms, poultry productions, etc. In addition, there are also horse properties, holiday properties and lover's estates.

Getting a transaction to succeed .....

A trade may only require a Seller and a Buyer to agree ....
But getting a transaction to succeed is not always so straightforward - and not at all abroad.

We have brokered many investments, helped organise many transactions, seen many ways to act and participated in many considerations. Of course, it is absolutely important, first and foremost, to control visions, the profession and the economy, but there are also other values to care for. It's no fun to have the perfect project when the pleasure and happiness don't come with it.

Are you looking for investment in Central & Eastern Europe, then we can help you find the one that matches your needs, find the best solutions, and solve problems and conflicts.

We place great emphasis on personal, individual service and advice.
It creates peace and trust in cooperation but is also a significant source of the successful outcome.

Forests for sale:

Here you will find a selection of forests for sale  , but contact us if you have specific wishes.
