Acquisition of agriculture and forestry.

We offer agricultural - and forest land acquisition services for private investors and investment funds.

Jesper Kjær ApS has developed and brokered investment projects in Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania since 2001 and brokered agricultural land since 2003. Over the years, we have developed a large, efficient and local network.

The value of farmland and forests in the Baltics is steadily growing but it has a long way to go before reaching the prices of Western Europe. The land in the Baltics, for a long time, has been a rewarding investment – and still is today. The growing prices of timber show that the forest land is not only a long-term investment but can also provide annual profits earned from the natural growth of forests. We always have a variety of smaller and bigger projects to broker, and we are actively seeking to expand our land portfolio to meet the needs of our every client.

The world is currently focusing on the climate, so forest investments are facing a bright future. Naturally, in a sustainable portfolio, together with e.g. wind power and solar energy investments.

We help private investors and investment funds with finding and acquiring the forest land and agricultural land plots or a set of land plots that suit their portfolio.

We have direct contact to the property owners and have constantly a wide range to propose.

Investing in forests provides a stable return with a relatively low risk. In addition to a stable operating profit, one can, over a number of years, expect a significant economic gain on a forest property. Over the past many years, forest prices have been rising because the industry is demanding more and more wood for its products. In practice, the trade price of the forest is determined by supply / demand in the local area where the properties are located, the quality of the wood and by how much has been harvested.

The investment structure is simple and transparent, where the investor typically owns his own forests via a local, forest-owning company (equivalent to an Ltd). This ensures that you as an investor can decide to increase your investment or make a full or partial exit at any time. This structure provides good opportunities for optimization in relation to tax.

Here you will find a selection of agriculture for sale    and  forests for sale  .

...... but contact us if you have specific wishes.
